What Is a Good Procedure for Drooping Eyebrows?

  • July 19, 2022

Age, genetics, and the cumulative effects of sun damage all change your appearance over the years. As you get older, your body will slow its production of collagen and elastin – two proteins that make your skin flexible and resilient. All these issues combine to create skin laxity and wrinkles.


Since people instinctively look for nonverbal cues in facial expressions, sagging eyebrows and hooded eyes caused by the aging process can send the message that you are tired, angry, and unfriendly. In severe cases, significant eyebrow drooping might even obscure your vision. A brow lift is the best way to correct this condition by restoring your eyebrows to a more youthful position.

What Happens During Brow Lift Surgery?

Brow lift surgery is an outpatient procedure that takes place while you are resting under general anesthesia. Dr. Schmidt will make small incisions in places where they will heal discreetly, hidden in your hairline or within your natural forehead contours. Through these incisions, he will elevate your brows to a specific point, based on your facial anatomy and gender identity.


As a stand-alone surgery, a brow lift usually takes 30 minutes to an hour. However, many of our patients choose to combine their brow lifts with complementary procedures, such as an eyelid lift or facelift, for a more comprehensive result.


After a brow lift, you can expect to look friendlier and more alert. While you might worry that surgically elevating your eyebrows and forehead muscles will create a permanently surprised or alarmed expression, Dr. Schmidt will use his technical skills to ensure your results never look overdone.

What to Expect During Brow Lift Recovery

While you can go home after you wake up from anesthesia and are medically stable, someone responsible will need to drive you, since you will still be groggy. For the first 24 hours, you’ll have to wear a compression wrap to support your healing tissues and reduce swelling.


A brow lift requires approximately three weeks of recovery time.


  • Devote the entire first week to resting and allowing your body to adapt to the stress of surgery.
  • You can gradually start increasing your activity level by the two-week mark after your brow lift procedure.
  • Three weeks into recovery, you can resume most exercise routines after Dr. Schmidt clears you to.


In the first few days after a brow lift, you can apply cold compresses and sleep with your head elevated to minimize swelling. We’ll send you home with detailed instructions to follow while healing from surgery, including how to manage pain, when you can shower and wash your hair, and when to return for follow-up appointments.

Schedule Your Denver Brow Lift Consultation

When you’re considering the transformative benefits of facial plastic surgery, your first step is to find a qualified surgeon to entrust with your appearance. Thanks to Dr. Schmidt’s experience as a double board-certified, fellowship-trained surgeon, your brow lift results will be subtle and natural-looking, never exaggerated.


To learn more about Denver’s best brow lift, contact us today to start your aesthetic journey.

Explore Our Before + After Photos

With over 15 years of surgical experience, Dr. Schmidt focuses on each patient’s unique needs, concerns, and goals to provide a beautiful, natural result for cosmetic, reconstructive and non-surgical procedures. View Dr. Schmidt’s before and after photos to see the results other patients have achieved.

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