Signs You May Need a Hair Transplant

  • November 30, 2017

Losing your hair can feel like losing your identity. You’ve had that hair your entire life. Long and short or thick and thin, you’ve been together. When that hair starts falling out, it can be an emotional and difficult experience. Don’t be a victim to hair loss any longer. If you’re losing your hair, come see us and explore your options for hair transplantation.

Learn more about hair restoration:

Do I Need a Hair Transplant?

Are you bothered by your hair loss? If you’re happy with the way you look, you don’t need hair transplantation, even if you have significant hair loss. If you’re losing your hair and you dislike the thinness or balding, you may be a good candidate for a hair transplant. Our goal is to help you feel comfortable and confident with your look, full head of hair or completely bald.

Hair transplants are also safe and versatile enough to be used for men and women’s facial hair. Some women experience hair loss on the eyebrows thanks to overplucking, but hair transplantation can help women restore fuller, more alluring-looking brows. With the right technique, hair transplantation to the eyebrows can create subtle, natural-looking results.

I’ve Heard Negative Things About Hair Transplants… Do I Really Want One?

Hair transplantation technology has come a long way in the last few decades. Years ago, hair transplants required a lot of downtime and left long, visible scars that limited future hair styles. If you’ve heard negative things about hair transplants, you’ve likely spoken to someone that received the “strip method” of hair transplantation, probably many years ago. One common complaint is the artificial, unsightly look that hair transplants can sometimes create. When hair plugs are grouped too artificially, the hair can look like “doll hairs.” The strip method can also result in unsightly, linear scars to appear on the scalp—a clear-cut sign that a procedure was performed. Today, we use follicular unit extraction (also known as FUE). FUE doesn’t result in a linear scar, and when done by a skilled physician it can avoid the artificial “doll hair” look. This method of hair transplantation also reduces risk and yields better results.

Our hair transplantation patients are typically delighted with their results. They love having a full head of hair again and report looking and feeling younger and more confident. Results are long-lasting, and complications are rare. Call us today to learn more about modern hair transplantation options.

The NeoGraft Technique for Hair Transplantation

At Schmidt Facial Plastic Surgery, we are pleased to offer the NeoGraft method for hair transplantation, a customized, manually processed FUE method that produces even, natural looking results. We believe it is the best options available for transplantation.

Traditional hair transplants removed large sections of skin, extrapolated the hair follicles, and grafted bunches of hair (or plugs) into the balding areas. Rather than removing an entire patch of skin, NeoGraft removes individual follicles. These individual follicles are transferred into tiny delivery sites spaced across the balding area. This yields better, more natural looking results.

There are many benefits to NeoGraft, including:

  • Essentially imperceptible scars
  • Less invasive than traditional hair transplantation methods
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Less downtime
  • No stitches or staples needed
  • Wear hair long or short with confidence
  • Fewer activity restrictions
  • Natural looking results

With NeoGraft you get all the benefits of hair transplantation without experiencing the negatives associated with the procedure.

I Have Questions About Hair Transplantation

You probably have questions about NeoGraft and hair transplantation in general. We recommend that you come in for a personalized consultation with Dr. Schmidt. During your consultation, we’ll help you determine if hair transplantation is right for you and will answer any questions you have about the procedure. In the meantime, we’ve put together a list of common questions about hair transplantation.

  • Is There Scarring After NeoGraft? – NeoGraft leaves mostly imperceptible scars or signs of surgery. You’ll look completely natural once you’ve healed from treatment.
  • How Long Until I See Results from Hair Transplantation? – Results aren’t immediate after hair transplantation. First, the hair falls out of the grafted follicle, or “sheds.” Then new hair will grow into the transplanted follicles. This process takes time and it can be several weeks to a couple months before your new hair grows into place. Of course, the results are worth the wait.
  • Can I Cut, Style, or Color My Hair After Transplantation? – Cut, style, or color your hair after hair transplantation. The transplanted hair is your own natural hair, just in a new location.
  • Are Results Permanent? – NeoGraft offers long lasting results. Hair loss may continue in areas where hair has not been transplanted.  Some patients choose to come in for occasional touch-up treatments after the original procedure.
  • How Long Until I Can Return to Work After NeoGraft? – You’ll be back on your feet and returning to work quickly after treatment. You should be able to remove the dressings about two days after treatment. We recommend waiting a week before returning to daily activities and three weeks before resuming vigorous activities, like exercise, and full activity.
  • Is NeoGraft Only for Balding? – Most of our NeoGraft patients choose the procedure to overcome natural balding in the scalp, but we can use it for other purposes too. Some patients choose NeoGraft to restore missing facial hair, eyebrows or to cover scars on the scalp.

Get your hair back! Call today and learn more about NeoGraft hair transplantation.

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With over 15 years of surgical experience, Dr. Schmidt focuses on each patient’s unique needs, concerns, and goals to provide a beautiful, natural result for cosmetic, reconstructive and non-surgical procedures. View Dr. Schmidt’s before and after photos to see the results other patients have achieved.

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