How Long Before You Are Fully Recovered From a Facelift?

  • June 9, 2022

Even with all the advancements in non-surgical cosmetic medicine – such as dermal fillers and neuromodulatorsfacelift surgery remains the gold standard of anti-aging procedures. A Denver facelift by Dr. Jeffrey Schmidt can take a decade or more off your appearance and restore your self-confidence by making you look younger and more vital.

Some people who would benefit from a facelift have concerns about their recovery process – especially how much time they’ll need to take away from work and social activities. Here’s what to expect while you heal from a facelift.

What Happens After a Facelift?

Dr. Schmidt performs facelifts as outpatient procedures, which means you can return home to start your recovery process as soon as you wake up from your anesthesia and are medically stable. You’ll need to arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home and stay with you for at least the first two or three days to help you around the house.

During the early healing stage, you’ll experience some uncomfortable tightness and tenderness, which you can manage with prescription pain medication for the first few days of your facelift recovery. You’ll also have bruising and swelling that initially obscure your results. However, these side effects are temporary and will soon begin fading away on their own.

We recommend taking at least 10 to 14 days off from work to fully recover from a facelift, but you may want to schedule more time away if your job is demanding or requires strenuous activities like heavy lifting.

Facelift Recovery Tips

To ensure a smooth, comfortable postoperative experience, our patient care technicians will help prepare you for what to expect. We will send you home with a detailed list of instructions designed to speed the healing process and provide optimal results. Here are our top four facelift recovery tips.

1. Have Realistic Expectations

The initial swelling, bruising, and discomfort associated with early recovery may cause you to second-guess your decision to get facelift surgery. However, remember that a facelift cannot deliver instant results or make you look like an entirely different person. Be patient while you heal from surgery, and with time, you’ll love how refreshed you look.

2. Take Light Walks

After a facelift, you will need to be gentle on yourself and get plenty of rest. While you shouldn’t resume your exercise routine until Dr. Schmidt has cleared you to, taking gentle walks can help you heal sooner by promoting oxygen to flow throughout your body. Staying completely sedentary for your entire recovery period may increase your risk of complications.

3. Sleep With Your Head Elevated

By propping your head up above your heart or sleeping in a recliner, you can significantly reduce the amount of postoperative swelling and inflammation that may occur. Even if you tend to be a natural side sleeper, you’ll likely find sleeping on your back is more comfortable after your facelift.

4. Don’t Try to Rush Through Your Recovery

We live in a time where instant gratification is the norm. However, we don’t recommend rushing back into your typical routine immediately after a facelift. Too much stress can adversely affect your health, especially while you are supposed to be letting your body heal from the strain of surgery. It’s better to use this time as an opportunity to relax and catch up on your reading list or stream a show you’ve wanted to binge-watch.

Choosing Dr. Schmidt as Your Denver Facelift Surgeon

Dr. Schmidt has more than a decade of specialized training and experience that he uses specifically to perform facial plastic surgery. With an artist’s eye and a surgeon’s delicate touch, he will create a customized surgical plan specifically to meet your needs. If you carefully follow your provided postsurgical instructions, you will enjoy long-lasting youthful rejuvenation. Reach out to our friendly team when you’re ready to schedule your personalized facelift consultation.

Explore Our Before + After Photos

With over 15 years of surgical experience, Dr. Schmidt focuses on each patient’s unique needs, concerns, and goals to provide a beautiful, natural result for cosmetic, reconstructive and non-surgical procedures. View Dr. Schmidt’s before and after photos to see the results other patients have achieved.

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