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Facial Rejuvenation
Facelift procedures reposition sagging soft tissues to bring your face back to its youthful appearance. Dr. Schmidt specializes in creating a personalized, natural appearance, so that you will look much like you did years ago. Other procedures are often performed in conjunction a face lift. Examples include eyelid lift, brow lift, forehead lift, rhinoplasty, lip augmentation, earlobe repair, removal of excess fatty tissues of the face and neck, and skin resurfacing.
Ear Reshaping
Ear reshaping, also known as otoplasty, is a simple cosmetic surgery to bring conspicuous, asymmetrical, or disproportionate ears into harmony with the rest of the face. As an expert in facial anatomy, Dr. Schmidt is attentive not only to the appearance of the ears themselves, but also to how otoplasty can shift the balance among facial features and restore emphasis to the eyes.
Nose Surgery
Many surgeons regard rhinoplasty as one of the most technically difficult operations there is. Not only does the nose have a complex internal and external anatomy, it is also the central, most prominent facial feature—changes to its structure can have an immense impact on overall appearance.
Chin Reshaping (Mentoplasty)
Depending on the patient’s needs, mentoplasty will involve either augmentation of the chin with implants or chin reduction. This procedure is commonly performed in conjunction with a rhinoplasty, which can significantly enhance a patient’s appearance and profile.
Scar Revision
Scar revision is a versatile procedure that can reduce the appearance and impact of severe scars. Dr. Schmidt’s extensive experience with scar revision techniques allows him to address a wide range of scars, returning patients to the face they recognize.
Excision of Skin Lesions
Small moles and other skin growths can be treated by Dr. Schmidt with little to no downtime. Dr. Schmidt will decide whether a spot removed should be sent to the patholoogist for review under the microscope. Lesions that appear suspicioius will always be sent for pathologic evalutation to ensure that the growth does not harbor cancer cells.

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