5 Tips for a Faster Brow Lift Recovery

  • April 6, 2023

If drooping eyebrows have given you a permanent scowl and created hooded eyes, a brow lift can help give you a more open, approachable appearance. This procedure can be an ideal solution for people who wish to reverse some of the signs of aging in the upper third of their faces, but to ensure ideal outcomes from your brow lift surgery, you must prepare for the healing process.

While Dr. Jeffrey Schmidt will take time to walk you through all the steps involved in your customized surgical plan, your brow lift recovery will go much more smoothly if you proactively educate yourself on what to expect after surgery and how to get the best results. Reading this article is an excellent place to start your research, since it provides a comprehensive review of the healing process.

What Is Brow Lift Surgery?

The aging process causes the loss of two structural proteins, collagen and elastin. Over time, your skin will become thinner, less resilient, and lose its ability to snap back into place after stretching. A brow lift can correct concerns like drooping skin, wrinkles, and a perpetually sad or angry appearance.

During a Denver brow lift, Dr. Schmidt will reposition eyebrow tissues while creating a more appealing shape for the brow line. He begins this procedure by making small incisions in your hairline or hidden within your natural forehead contours. Then, he will elevate your brows to an ideal point based on your unique facial anatomy.

Preparing for a Smooth Recovery

Though every patient heals at a different rate, Dr. Schmidt recommends planning at least three weeks for your brow lift recovery. During this period, you’ll need to limit your activities and focus on your self-care. It’s an opportunity to give yourself some well-deserved downtime, which can benefit your mental health.

Here are our top five tips for recovering from a brow lift:

  1. Don’t smoke: Smoking restricts circulation and can significantly slow your healing process. Cigarettes also contain hundreds of toxic chemicals that can accelerate aging, negating many of the benefits of your brow lift surgery. If you are a smoker, we ask you to quit at least two weeks before getting a brow lift and remain tobacco-free throughout your recovery.
  2. Listen to your body: You may discover you get fatigued more quickly in the early days of brow lift recovery. That’s because your body is devoting so many of its resources to healing. Rest when you are tired and do not try to rush the process. Returning to your job or other activities too soon could lead to complications and other setbacks.
  3. Sleep with your head elevated: Swelling around the surgical site is a typical side effect of a brow lift procedure. You can alleviate this by sleeping on your back with your head supported. Keeping your head above your heart will prevent excess fluid buildup. You can use extra pillows to prop up your head or sleep in a recliner for the first week or so.
  4. Have household help: Since a brow lift is an outpatient surgery, you’ll need to ask a responsible adult to drive you home and stay with you for the first 24 hours afterward. If possible, ask this same person to help you with household chores like laundry and cooking.
  5. Take light walks: Low-impact activities can help speed your recovery by stimulating your circulatory system. While you can take slow walks around your home, yard, or neighborhood, please avoid strenuous activities like running or weightlifting.

Effective Pain Management Strategies After Brow Lift Surgery

For the first 24 hours after brow lift surgery, you’ll need to wear a compressive head wrap to keep the newly repositioned tissues in place. Discomfort is usually minimal after the effects of anesthesia wear off. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen as needed to ensure you are comfortable.

You may also experience temporary numbness around your forehead or hairline incisions, which should resolve over time.

Caring for Incisions After Brow Lift Surgery

Because Dr. Schmidt and his team have a patient-first philosophy, they will send you home with detailed instructions to follow throughout your recovery, including how to care for your incisions, when to return for follow-up appointments, and when you’re clear to resume daily activities such as showering and washing your hair. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call.

Foods That Promote Healing After Brow Lift Surgery

Your body needs optimal nutritional support to recover from surgery. It’s a smart strategy to prepare and freeze some healthy meals ahead of time, so you can have a stockpile of ready-to-eat foods on hand. Make sure to include a balance of lean protein, fresh produce, heart-healthy fats, and whole grains.

The following nutrients encourage healing.

  • Protein: Protein repairs tissues and helps your body make new blood cells. Protein-rich foods include tofu, eggs, and nuts.
  • Antioxidants: Antioxidants are beneficial for reducing inflammation. You can get more antioxidants in your diet by adding berries and dark leafy greens to your plate.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C plays a role in wound healing. Good sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts.

You will also want to stay hydrated during your healing process – dehydration after surgery can lead to complications. Always keep a full water bottle or canteen nearby to remind you to drink water throughout the day. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and sugary beverages.

Physical and Mental Rest After Brow Lift Surgery

For optimal healing, you’ll want to stay relaxed and keep your stress levels at a minimum. We suggest setting aside the first day or two after your brow lift to rest and sleep as much as you need to. Trying to do too much too soon can set your recovery back, exhaust you, and overwhelm you.

Recovering from plastic surgery is emotionally challenging for some people. For example, you may feel anxious about how you will look once the swelling fully resolves. You might also get frustrated or impatient about having to put your typical daily routine on hold for a few weeks. During this period, don’t be ashamed to speak up for yourself. Empathy and compassion from supportive friends and family members can help you deal with complex emotions.

Exercising After Brow Lift Surgery

Please refrain from physical activity for the first week of your recovery. During the second week, you can gradually start ramping up by taking brief, gentle walks. Dr. Schmidt clears most of his brow lift patients to resume exercising after three weeks.

When Will I See My Brow Lift Results?

Some residual swelling and bruising may remain for the first few weeks, but this is usually mild enough to cover with makeup. Your brow lift will continue settling and healing for two to three months. However, you can expect to enjoy beautiful, natural-looking results well before then.

Steps you can take to prolong your brow lift benefits include staying hydrated, following a consistent skin care routine, wearing sunscreen, and getting plenty of restful sleep every night.

Why Should You Choose Dr. Schmidt for Your Denver Brow Lift?

With any plastic surgery procedure, your surgeon’s skill is critical for achieving your desired results. Dr. Schmidt is a double board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon and an expert in the intricacies of facial anatomy. He completed a highly competitive fellowship, which is the highest level of postdoctoral training a physician can undergo.

With his advanced techniques and extensive education, Dr. Schmidt ensures all his patients receive tailored treatments that exceed their aesthetic goals. Contact us online or call 1 (720) 443-2235 to schedule your private brow lift consultation an d take the first step to improving your appearance and self-confidence.

Explore Our Before + After Photos

With over 15 years of surgical experience, Dr. Schmidt focuses on each patient’s unique needs, concerns, and goals to provide a beautiful, natural result for cosmetic, reconstructive and non-surgical procedures. View Dr. Schmidt’s before and after photos to see the results other patients have achieved.

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